E3: Sony’s press conference
I’m watching Sony’s press conference and will try to blog live.
- Jack Tretton enters Home (president of Sony)
- 80GB $599
- 60GB $499
- PlayStation2 – 180 million consoles worldwide
- PSP – 90% rise in sale since price reduction this Spring
- PSP games: Sucom, WipeOut Pulse, Syphon Filter: Logan’s shadow, NBA 08, God of War: Change of Olympus, Silent Hill – Origins, Patapon, Tiger Wood PGA Tour 08, Sonic Rivals 2, Sims 2 – Castaway, Swat – Target Liberty, Final Fantasy Tactics, Castlevania
- Kaz Hirai enter the stage
- Eveloution of the PSP (new moddel) – It’s lghter and slimmer, better battery life. It also have a video out. Comes in Black, Ice Silver.
- Chewbacca enters shows a StarWars PSP
- StarWars Battlefront Renedage Squadron – PSP trailer
- PlayStation Network – PlayStation Store – HOME – PS3/PSP connectivity
- Phil Harrison enter the stage
- PlayStation Store download games: echochrome, WipeOut HD, Pain, WarHawk, Sucom: Confrontation
- Playstation HOME – the Home client is running on mobilephone
- Phil Harrison is taking a photo of the audience and send it to a picture frame in HOME
- You can use your PSP in HOME to launch a game in PS3. When you quit the game, you get back to HOME where you started it.
- .
- Tretton talks about the price cut and the new 80GB PS3
- He also talks about Blue-ray
- 200 Blue-ray games worldwide
- Haze trailer
- Unreal Tournament 3 trailer (PS3 exclusive)
- Trailer show: Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare, Assasin’s Creed, Kane & Lynch – Dead Men, Resident Evil 5, Burnout Paradise, Madden NFL 08, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Simpsons Game, Guitar Hero III – Legends of Rock, Medal of Honor – Airborne, Rock Band
- Hideo Kojima enters the stage. He’s the creator of Metall Gear Solid 4 – Guns of the Patriots and shows a trailer (Metall Gear Solid fransiche is 20 years this summer). This is the last game in the series.
- PS3 exclusive titles: Rachet Clank Future – Tools of Destruction, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, NBA 08, Little Big Planet, Uncharted – Drake’s Fortune.
- Infamous trailer
- Grand Turismo trailer
- Killzone 2 video
- Jack Tretton wraps it all up
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