Wii: Software and firmware updates
This afternoon the blue light on my Wii blinked, and it was three mails from Nintendo. They have updated the firmware, Everybody vote channel and the Opera browser.
Here’s what it says in the Wii Shop Channel:
Wii system update – USB keyboard support
The latest Wii system updates adds support for USB keyboards when using the Internet Channel and Everybody Votes Channel.
If you have not yet received a message from Nintendo prompting you to install the Wii system update, you can update your Wii console manually by using the Wii System Update option in the Wii System Settings menu.
Internet Channel update
The updateed version of the Internet Channel includes a number of new features and improvements such as:
– Text input via USB keyboard
– Send and reveive URL links to/from friends via Wii
Message Board
– Increased number of ‘Favourites’
To update the Internet Channel, simply choose the Channel in the Wii Software section and select ‘Update’.
Everybody Votes Channel update
The Everybody Votes Channel has been updated to take advantage of the latest version of the Wii Menu. We recommend that all current users of the EverybodyVote Channel download this update.
If you’ve yet to try the Everybody Votes Channel, now is the perfect time! It is available free of chrge from the Wii Software section, here in the Wii Shop Channel.
Update to Wii End User Lincence Agreements
The Wii End User Lincence Agreements, which cover your use of the Wii Network Services and the Wii Shop Channel, have also been updated. Please visit wii.nintendo-europe.com/terms for the full text of the updated agreements.
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