Nintendo Wii: News Channel
The News Channel looks good and the interface is pretty easy to use. When you start the News Channel, you can choose from 7 different categories: Regional News, International News, Sports, Arts/Entertainment, Business, Sience/Health and Technology. Here you can also choose Slide show which shows a map and headlines of news. Press A to read the news. Easy.
It would be nice if you could choose the Globe from the Main menu. But to do that, you need to choose a news article and when that comes up, you can select the Globe. Then you can navigate that like you do with the Weather Channel globe. Select a city and read the news.
You can zoom in and out on the text useing the + and – keys and the text is very readable, even with the smallest fonts (at least on my TV).
It’s Associated Press (AP) that feed the news for Nintendo. They have a 2 year contract on doing that. The News Channel doesn’t update when you use it, bet it check for updates everytime you start the Channel. From what I have experienced, the news updates every 2 hours.
This is a real good Channel, and if they could put in the Globe selection in the Main menu, I would be very happy. Excellent work Nintendo.
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